Meet the Planet Four Team: Chris Snyder

Today we have the next installment of our Meet the Planet Four Team series, featuring Chris Snyder from the Zooniverse development team.chris

Name: Chris Snyder

What is your current position and where/institution?

Technical Project Manager at the Adler Planetarium in Chicago, IL, US.

Where are you originally from/where did you grow up?

I was born in Philadelphia, PA. Lived there for a bit, then in equal times Tennessee, Indiana, and Ohio until 2012 when I moved to Chicago.

In 3 lines explain what you do as part of the Zooniverse development team?

My primary task to manage development of Zooniverse projects. I also handle a large portion of ongoing project maintenance. Lastly, I spend a lot of time exploring ways of getting Zooniverse projects into the hands of more people.

Why do you find interesting about Mars?

It’s the first logical place for us to colonize in our solar system. Seems reasonable to learn as much as we can about it before we travel there!

What is your favorite movie?

Tie between The Matrix and The Prestige.

What is your favorite book?

The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss

What is the song you currently can’t get out of your head?

Just Jammin’ by Gramatik

What three albums would you bring with you to a desert island?

Ooo, that’s a tough one. Tool – Lateralus, Pendulum – Immersion, and Metallica – The Black Album

Favorite cocktail or beverage?

Bells Oberon. Sorry, not much of a cocktail drinker!

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