Archive | April 2020

Planet Four Team + Science Friday Live Chat – Today (Monday April 27) at 4pm EDT/9 pm BST/1 pm PDT

The Planet Four will be participating in Live Chat/webinar with the Science Friday team today (Monday April 27) at 4pm EDT/9 pm BST/1 pm PDT . The webinar is open to the public and you can ask some of the team questions, see demos of the projects, and more. We’ll be highlighting all the Planet Four projects. You can find connection details and more here.

If you can’t make our live chat, there were will be a several others this week from other projects from around the Zooniverse as well. Also we’ll post a link to the recorded video when it’s available. And as always, the team is available on Talk, so feel free to jump in on any of the Planet Four projects Talk and ask the science team questions there too.

Introducing the Planet Four Organization

The team has been blown away by the classifications that have pouring in over the past several weeks. We know it’s a difficult time around the world right now, and we wanted to thank you for taking time out of your day to help explore and study the Red Planet. The Planet Four science team has been working from home, and currently there are two papers drafts the team is focusing on: one paper examining the Planet Four derived wind directions compared to Martian climate simulations and the other paper exploring polygonal ridge distributions including Planet Four: Ridges classification data.

Today we’re pleased to announce the launch of the Planet Four organization. Organizations are a recently added feature for research teams with multiple projects on the Zooniverse platform. Now, there’s a place with links to all the Planet Four projects, plus links to the blog and our social media accounts, all in one place. You’ll be able to quickly see the status of each project and collective statistics about all three Planet Four projects.

Check out the new Planet Four organization webpage at