Archive | May 2013

Save the Date: Planet Four Live Chat

June marks Planet Four’s 6th month anniversary, and to celebrate we’re having a live chat with the Planet Four science team on June 7th (next week!) at 7pm BST/6pm GMT/2pm EDT/11am PDT .Join us here on the blog to watch the live video feed.

We’ll be joined by Planet Four PI Candy Hansen (PSI) and science team members  K.-Michael Aye (UCLA), Ganna (Anya) Portyankina (University of Bern) and Meg Schwamb (Yale). We’ll be talking about the latest Planet Four news and science as well as answering some of your questions. Send us your questions for the Planet Four team, either by leaving a comment here on the blog or by tweeting us @Planet_Four

Update: You can watch the live stream and the recorded video of the chat here.

European Planetary Science Congress

Every fall the European Planetary Science Congress takes place to bring together planetary scientists from all over the world.  We discuss our latest research results, new data, our new theories and ideas, and new concepts for missions.

As a group we are committed to sharing our ideas with all of the world, not just our professional colleagues.  So there are always sessions on outreach and education.

This year I submitted an abstract to describe our Planet Four experience.  It has been overwhelmingly positive, and I think my colleagues will be intrigued by our approach.

Candy Hansen
Planet Four Principal Investigator