Archive | October 2019

New data on Planet Four: Terrains

Planet Four: Terrains is back from hiatus. We’ve come up with a new set of images to search on the site. These CTX images will continue our trend of searching further northward and covering gaps in our coverage.


The figure above shows the newly uploaded CTX images on the geologic map of the Martian south polar region. The blue is the south polar layered deposits (SPLD). This is where most of the spiders are located, but we’ve already learned through Planet Four: Terrains that there are spiders also outside the SPLD, so that’s why the search region expands well beyond the SPD. The red rectangles show you the CTX images that we’ve currently uploaded to the site. The bright green rectangles are the second half of the dataset.

Our current plan is to write a summary science paper with a final catalog from the spider search over the past several years, after we get through both sets of CTX images. We’ll look at the soil thermal inertia and other properties and see if we find a links or correlations to where spiders are visible. We think this we’ll wrap up this phase of Planet Four: Terrains, but we already have some ideas where we might take the project next.

Thanks for your help! Dive in today at!

Help beta test the new Planet Four

In May, the original Planet Four project was paused. Since then the team has been working on a new version of the project utilizing the Zooniverse’s latest web tools. Great news! We’re nearly ready to launch the new and improved Planet Four on the Zooniverse’s Project Builder Platform.

Before we launch the site live, we need your help! We’re ready for you to take a sneak peek at the site and let us know what you think. We have developed two different styles for the classification interface, and the team is having trouble deciding between the two. We’d like you to try them out and let us know what you think. The team will be looking at performance of the two different classification interfaces and your feedback to figure out which design is the right one for the new Planet Four.

If you can spare a few minutes, please map fans and blotches in one or both of the workflow styles and let us know what you think. Try it out at